Pneumatic Elevators Making Headlines

The online newspaper, Voices, recently ran an article featuring the installation of a PVE (Pneumatic Vacuum Elevator) in the Woodbury residence of the Terry’s. Ms. Terry suffers from a neurological disease that will prevent her from using the stairs in her home. To overcome this life changing obstacle, the Terry’s could try and find more suitable accommodations, but instead they sought out Elevator Service Company’s residential lift expertise.

The final decision for what lift was right for the Terry’s was a Pneumatic Vacuum Elevator, and Elevator Service Company being the only installer of PVE elevators in Connecticut, took care of the installation process.

Pneumatic elevators are the latest in residential lift technology. Using only air to lift the car and gravity to let the car descend, installation requires little to no construction. There is no longer a need for a pit, hoistway, or machine room to house the typical mechanics for a typical residential lift.

Ms. Terry feels comfortable with the safety features the PVE has, the ease of installation, and the minimal construction involved in the installation process.

“It’ll mean freedom from extensive planning to minimize trips up and downstairs. This is very cool.”

For more on PVE elevators click here.
For the full Voices article click here.